KOBRA HP 400ml

KOBRA HP 400ml


IMPORTANT Aquest producte només es ven a la tenda fisica, no fem enviaments
IMPORTANT This product is only sold in the physical store, we do not ship.
IMPORTANTE este producto solo se vende en la tienda fisica, no hacemos envios.

Caps on: Soft Grey – Controlled Output
Valve: special soft female valve studied for precision and fast art work.
Content: 100% acrylic paint – ultra covering power – 4 season technology –– extreme Grip .
strong resistance to UVA and environment factors . Exterior / Interior use.
Special line dedicated for faster and precision art work. This special High pressure line guarantee a fast output with maximum control!



KOBRA® Spray Paints is a concrete example how a company can be integrate in a natural environment and how one of the most competitive structure in Europe is able to ensure a continuous research and development of high performance products dedicated to the artists!