
Os Gemeos

El preu original era: 45,00€.El preu actual és: 35,00€.

Os Gemeos
(Second hand)

Publisher Domein
ISBN 9789075883411
Idea Code 09279

Operating under the name of Os Gemeos, the identical twin brothers – Octavio and Gustavo Pandolfo from São Paulo, Brazil – have developed a unique and readily identifiable graffiti language that is born out of both hip hop and the Brazilian pixação movement. As this richly illustrated catalogue testifies, the twins approach ranges from their yellow skinned characters that hang on walls, to tags, large and complicated wall paintings and murals, sculptural pieces, and installations. Here, these and other works are presented, accompanied by photographs, sources of inspiration and captured moments with friends and strangers.

192 p ills colour 25 x 21 English pb
