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werens ORGÀNIC (Sabadell)
the new expo Werens
December 13, 2006
January 31, 2007
Inauguració: Wednesday 13 18 22h
The leaves were emerging and growing intertwining themselves with others, finding their habitat to fill all space; we enter the new proposal artist sabadallenc Werens.
This series s√ © pict√≤rica repr√®n the thread of col.lecci√≥ where flowers were the protagonists, per√≤ vegetaci√≥ now has become the land of experimentaci√≥, and discover its nature.
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9 November to 9 December 2006
Exposici√≥ of m√ © s works by 100 artists who participated in the convocat√≤ria Encaixa’t * Impaktesvisuals proposed.
* Recycling proposal based on an active case of MTN cartró
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Expo TIME (Sabadell)
6 October to 4 November 2006
“Capa√ß moving art urb√ †
reduïts formats
Time makes his major works
Small samples of art ”
– It n√ Íxer © 1980, he comen√ßar m√≥n Graffiti in 1992.
© s m√ seven years later, in 1999, expanded its scope of personal col¬Σlaborant acci√≥ designs with lots of graffiti which currently develops like a fish to water.
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MATILDA (Laia Pampalona) Sabadell
from 1 to 30 September 2006
Inauguraci√≥: Thursday 31 August to 19 22’30h
“… among il¬Σlustraci√≥ and decoraci√≥, at a point in between the for√ßa balanced harmony of colors and shapes …”
The proc√ © s creaci√≥ a work √ © s movement. √âs a constant search of sensations and emotions, which, as s’avan√ßa in the cam√ ≠ experi√®ncia, creates his own language that serves as a vehicle to express and communicate.
If we followed the route of Matilda since its inception, we can notice and see that their language as their defining s’est√ † ≠ l√ Nies.
The characters and figures, which originally passed with the look innocentona attitude and expectation, transformed now car√ † CTER and safety. © s m√ step forward that shows the audacity of a fear passed.
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K.KINO (Iñaki Alberdi)
Expo “ZENbatZEN”
(contando, Sumando …..)
author k.kino (I√ ± aki Alberdi).
1 June to 4 July 2006
Inauguraci√≥: Thursday 1 June to 19 22’30h
Work gr√ † fico-pict√≥rica multidisciplinary † tem√ different policies, formats, supports, t√ © cnicas chronology.
“The Man is a thinking being, but the great works, as it does not calculate the realized or Piensa.” Prof. Herriguel
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Kimo Osuna
from 6 to 31 July 2006
Inauguraci√≥: Thursday July 6 to 19 22’30h
An extreme intención
Sed de libertad
Juego de s√ ≠ mbolos
Giro with inesperados.
Fusión between Urban Art
and denounces ideológica.
Su esp√ ≠ rite is manifested
mediante soporte gr√ ° fico
shirts and paintings in expresivas
urbanitas for irreverent.
The world evolves … Y t√∫?
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from 4 to 27 May 2006
Inauguració: Thursday 4 May 19 to 22h
Tricom is an audiovisual group consisting of four people and is based on three types of creació:
Eudald Salarich “SNAIL” (DESIGN).
Mario Ruiz “WELDIO” (VISUAL).
Carlos Martinez: “ZMOTR,ÄòNICK” (M√öSICA).
Ra√∫l Fish “Ralph” (M√öSICA DESIGN).
We are an independent collective that wants to provide an alternative visió in the current audiovisual scene.
We rely always within the three communication channels in three key concepts:
Improvitsació, and Experimentació Espontanïetat.
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Urban Soldierz
Exposició: Urban Soldierz
6 to 29 April 2006
Col¬Σlectiu graffiti artists Lleida, bearing his teaching art since the late 80s and early 90s team formed by: Cruel, Rulo, Keke, Serm√≥n, Vladiartwork, Thread, Zulu, Saz , Sik, Ste, you know, Nine … Ready 4 da battle !!
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Exposició Petiright crew
col¬Σlectiva art urb√ †
From 1 to 31 març 2006
The col¬Σlectiu P CREW has adapted its large-scale work and ef√ ≠ merely in the size and timing of a gallery.
We col¬Σlectiu petiright, m√ © s known as p.crew which d, Äôalguna way √ © s the first time exposed the whole group together as a single unit, the insignia of the P.
We have the opportunity d, Äôexplicar, depth and con√®ixer so m√ © s visual art and our way of doing it, because somehow we all agree that part of our life and aix√ ≤ √ © think that’s what fills us all to move forward the project we have in mind
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Ovni (Terrassa)
dimensions Xpo
A UFO. Taratiel
From 2 to 25 February 2006
Expo shows the dimensions visions
the author during his traject√≤ria on√ ≠ rich aboard the UFO.
The abstracci√≥ space that draws on the support that it poses © det√ to have a look, endless options, making it, aix√ ≠, a leading open capa√ß choose and even to imagine a new dimensi√≥ that allows cr√ © Íxer. A dimensi√≥ many ways evokes the idea of exploraci√≥ and output m√≥n, freedom, decisi√≥ yet uncertain. The UFO elevates us to a galaxy of questions, options and exits.
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** HOUSE ** of a exposició
Marina Ramoneda, sculpture,
Eduard and windows, sound abstracció
Expo from 2 to 10 February 2007
Inauguració: Friday 2 ferbrer
19 to 22’30h
Eduard Quintana windows. Born 31 years ago Cabrianes son of Pepito and Ladybug ¥ d¬ within a portal, such as bonds. His traject√≤ria art√ ≠ STIC comen√ßa when his mother decides to join him in choral singing, drawing, arts pl√ † stiques,Ķ 8 years.
Marina Tuset Ramoneda. Since undisciplined, born in Barcelona by chance. He studied drawing al,Äôescola Acai Sabadell Arts pl√ † sticas al,ÄôEscola Massana. Currently trapeze acts by the Faculty of Fine Arts of Barcelona s,Äôha specializes in sculpture. His work is a h√ ≠ √ © Brid between the idea and applied arts. The construcci√≥ d, Äôespais sinister √ ≠ intimate, femeninament pertorbadors,Ķ transform a Al√ ≠ tion to Pa√ ≠ s Wonderland, who is not reflected in the mirrors.