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Werens Dj’s (Sabadell)
DJ Exposició
December 15, 2005
28 January 2006
In a first d, Äôull may seem that √ © s drawing r√ pid † † if√ cil perform, perhaps reminiscent c√≤mic for its expressiveness, even aix√ ≠ if we stop to observe small details, textures, reliefs, colors, we realize that behind every picture there has been a thoughtful proc√ © s based transmit devised as a type of m√∫sica in studying the behavior of discjockeys as move, how they act, creating a format and composici√≥ …
Despr√®sd,Äôaquest an√ † lysis discover another hidden behind dimensi√≥ l, Äôaparen√ßa, which allows us to think not obvious interpretations.
Anna Farrés
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Antonio Moyano (Menorca)
- Exposició Antonio Moyano
from 3 to 25 November 2005
Among the plan and we are dimensi√≥ figures and compositions for molded l, Äôartista menorqu√ ≠ a proposal that extends the l, Äôespai basitdor.
L, ≠ Äôartista menorqu√ Antonio Moyano despr√ © s rec√≥rrer various t√®cniques art√ ≠ sticas realism as the na√Øf the collage .. from teen has now come to develop † STIC a manifestaci√≥ pl√ that t√ © l, Äôambici√≥ break l, Äôespai bounded by frame, so take a volume regarding the plan. These compositions combining decorative background with foreground volume featuring female figures.
A l, Äôespai d, Äôart Impaktes Visual (San Francisco, 15) will see a sel.lecci√≥ d, ÄôAntonio Moyano works from 3 to 25 November.
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Patrick Grau
Exposició: Art Nokturn (Patrick Grau)
5 to 28 October 2005
Briefs d, Äôart nokturn; l√ ≠ Nies who improvised his tra√ß faces winding confusi√≥ directions …. all these features we can see at work d, Äôen Patrick Grau, an artist from the city and experiencing new search d, Äôexpressi√≥ ways.
Nokturn Art √ © s name with that firm Patrick Grau, an artist polifac√®tic dedicated to everything that can give l, Äôabast the m√∫sica and painting. The name makes refer√®ncia the work that has been done so far, DJ, a job that night l, Äôha interspersed with performing arts pl√ † sticas decorations discos, performances, sets, … Even aix√ ≠, this name that includes his work l, Äôha chosen for its sound to pronounce on it, not for its meaning
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xposició: Matilda (Laia Pampalona)
Il¬Σlustracions in boxes, rings, earrings, postcards … 1 to September 30, 2005
Matilda. This name may provide graci√≥s since no √ © s very unusual, and it already draws aix√≤ l, Äôatenci√≥; to think that they can hide behind the name we imagine a lady d, Äôedat avan√ßada, a pet, a rag doll …. per√≤ in reality the name corresponds to a project com√∫ two artists sabadallenques: Cristina Brossa and Laia Pampalona. The intenci√≥ have √ © s work jointly design issues gr√ † fic, illustrations, films, video installations, and probably due to a long etc√®tera qu√® great enthusiasm in the project was born Matilda
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D-Andres (St. Quirze del Vallès)
Andres D-Exposici√≥ “Organikus” from 2 to 30 June 2005
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Exposici√≥ Marta Surroca Pintura,Ä ¢ ¢ Gravat,Ä Book Author of the 7 July 2005 22de
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Artistes Urbans
Exposició: Urban Artists from 5 to 27 May 2005
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Lloren√ß Vendrell – Ramon Puig
Two looks at √çndia s√≥n careful selecci√≥ eight large-format photographs. The Lloren√ß the s√≥n made in 1997 in South √çndia with c√ † mere reflex 35mm. The Ramon s√≥n of 2004 made the northern √çndia c√ † with digital camera.
7 to 29 April 2005.
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Osuna Exposici√≥ Hono: My favorite terrors “Transmanga”
3 31 març 2005
One of our favorites and loved cartoonists c√≤mics, especially graffiti artist. His strips c√≤miques to Fak made us laugh and simultaneously cavil¬Σlar. Now we work with the new sorpr√®n pict√≤rica, Auel its terrors predilectes,Äù images on√ ≠ for√ßa very rich expressive us into the m√≥nc√ † Ustica, funny and thoughtful l, ÄôHono.
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Werens (Ramon Puig)
Scents, colors, feelings … all aix√≤ im√ © s leads the singular recreaci√≥ bot√ unique † pict√≤rica of the new work in Werens. A look fresh and daring these gray winter days.
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Josep Berenguel
THE BIG MÉS my headaches
Aoun d, dripping faucet, an iron, drawings retrieved d, Äôanys en√ß√ †, objects des√∫si a lot of newspaper clippings. Up, even aix√≤ im√ © s iconography that goes back to the time of the Dadaists, however al,ÄôAlemanya d, Äôentreguerres or those shocks that cause the object trouv√ © Marcel Duchamp. In any case, it is now Josep Berenguel, polifac√®tic born artist currently residing in Sabadell and Manresa, among performances, graffiti and sets, as pict√≤rica producci√≥ highlights, Auel m√ © s my big worry cap,Äù. This exposici√≥ we can see a small sample and check once m√ © s as l, Äôactitud the Dad√ † s,Äôha recycled over the years, from d, Äôirrompre as an antagonism to channel mid √ßant the recuperaci√≥ d, Äôarticles home games po√®tics Berenguel as those proposed with his paintings.
Oriol Fontdevila